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So Far Down (working title) - A NaNoWriMo Novel

Monday, August 29, 2011

Whoa Nelly!

So, wow.

It's The end of August. There are officially four more months in the year, two till Nanowrimo, my novel is still in the editing phase (not because I've actually been working at it, you know. I'm terribly lousy.) and I'm currently jobless.


Another closet corrects the cry.

Yeah. My brain is....a strange place.

It doesn't make me feel any better, but I've begun another novel, and even started to plan another out for NaNoWriMo this year. I don't want to have two or three just sitting around though, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to get 'Forsake' done editing at least by the end of the year. Promise.

In other news, there is a severe lack of chocolate in this place. It's shameful. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Swanky Tatoo

So I've been editing my novel. Its gone through at least seven title changes and has been gifted with a prologue so reworked it doesn't even resemble a distant cousin of the original. But things have been good. I can honestly say I've been making progress.
Not as much as I would have like to have made, but I'm getting there.
I probably shouldn't be into this right now, but I've been looking for images/an image to sort of amalgamate into the Blood Debt symbol. It's branded onto my Vamp's skin, and I want it in the cover art for the book, if I ever get published. But I'm not even done editing yet. I shouldn't be doing this. Yet I am...
I first went and Googled 'sigils' but then found out they were linked to witchcraft and so took a  hasty step back. Yeah, I'm a Harry Potter nerd, but I'd rather not get into any of that stuff, real or not. Googling 'symbols' was just a headache, and 'Chinese for debt' was just as bad. Nothing looked right. I admit, I have no idea what I'm really LOOKING for, but I get the feeling that when I see it I'll know.
So I recently just found out the the Mortal Instruments series has a movie coming out (FIRST IN LINE, FTW), and a wonderful person called hebelmet over on Etsy made  awesome jewelry jewelry from the books. While looking at all the amazing pieces I can't afford to buy but really really want, I realized, 'HEY! These are runes!" (indeed, several of them say so). I then marched my merry butt over to Google and looked them up/ Google led me here. Now, The very first three are some I would/could use in the creation of this Binding Symbol of Doom, as my main character sees it now. I've only done a bit of looking, then I bookmarked the page for further perusal when my eyelids don't feel like someone glued cement blocks to them.
On another, less epic note, my dad is sick, with something related to his liver. Here's hoping for the best!



That is all.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So I realized the other day that I suck at blogging, something that, in theory, is pretty simple. And why do I suck at blogging, you may ask? Because I don't blog. At least, not as much as I'm supposed to.

So this is me trying to rectify that. Sort of.

So, what's new in my miserable life? I'm still single, still bored, still hate my job, still not in college still haven's accomplished anything at all in my long list of things to accomplish before I die.........JEEZ I sound pessimistic! What the hell? People, this is the prime side-effect of chocolate withdrawal. It's been an entire day since i had a chocolate bar...... I think I might die soon.

I can't even think straight TO blog. I had this whole list of things I was going to address : Flyff, this game I've become addicted to, Emily Osment and her newest video, Disney stars versus Nickelodeon stars, their track record, you could say, erm....... how I've gone and sent out my novel for a critique and will soon be working with an agent or editor, I'm not sure which yet, erm, my complete lack of muse, which is directly responsible for my lack of posting for my (many) Harry Potter fanfics.....and a few other things, that I can't remember at the moment. BUT the point is, I can't do it now, beca use my head isn't sitting right, adn there is no chocolate in my house, so until I get some chocolate in my system, I can't do anything.

Literally. I've been laying on my bed all day. Like ALL day. I may be related to a sloth....I'm not entirely sure.

I LOVE THE MOVIE FORREST GUMP. Just thought I'd let you people know.

I bid you all adieu, and with this picture of a Jelly fish....