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So Far Down (working title) - A NaNoWriMo Novel

Monday, November 15, 2010

Yeaaa..........Don't mind me....I'm just the author.....

Have you ever written something, and you're halfway through and you're comfortable  in what you're writing and you can practically FEEl the finish line...........only to have your characters come to life and derail your train and send it to Moscow?

My characters just derailed my train.

Well, actually, they haven't JUST derailed it. It's been derailed pretty much since day one. I've just been in denial.


I started this novel with the intention of it being a kind of light, heart-pumping adventure novel, with my female main character being a bit of a snob from the suburbs and my male main character being a snarky vampire with a fondness of jello. Neither of those things happened. My girl turned into a bit of a sheltered baby and my guy is all angst-ridden two hundred year old teenager. My werewolves were supposed to be clueless, simpleminded thugs I'd use for comic relief.........these bastards are SAVAGES!!! My Vampires were supposed to be this hoity-toity rich socialite types but in a Mafia-esque fashion......these guys took the Mafia and ran with it. My bounty hunter did manage to stay the same coifed blonde haired housewife with a fascination for killing things that I wanted her to be.......she's just got a southern accent like nobody's business.

This was supposed to be fast paced, running, fighting, poking villains in the eye and running kind of nonsense. I've got sexual molestation and suicide attempts.....I just don't GET IT! Who gives these little figments permission to just take a inch and create a whole CONTINENT!?!?!?!

But yea, thanks guys, for the heads up. I really appreciate it.

I would have also appreciated being told about this epic Vampire-and-Werewolves-versus-you-and-psycho-hunter-lady that you've got planned, and the fact that someone we thought DIED FOR GOOD is about to come back. But no, it's fine. Just PEACHY.

Keep in mind I'm like 3,000 words behind. This is what the real world does to me. Thank God for Write or Die. I LOVE YOU DR. WICKED!!!

But yea. That's my post for today. I'll update the NaNonovel page when I get up to date with the suggested wordcount.

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