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So Far Down (working title) - A NaNoWriMo Novel

Saturday, November 13, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 13 - I Suck

At least, I'm pretty sure I do. I've gotten no writing done for the past week. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nadda.  Real life has decided that it's going to hate me and get me back for the wonderful week of work I didn't have the first week of November.

To make matters worst I haven't written much today either. A measly 217 words. Ugh, I'm so ashamed!

I watched The Karate Kid, though, for the first time. It was about as good as everyone made it seem. It didn't help my writing though. I'm like 6000 words behind! Plus The Pursuit of Happiness is on. Someone shoot me please.

I don't know just where that epic word-love is that I was feelign last week, but I totally need some of it now. I've come to a .......block-ish looking thing in my writing. I've reached a point where I'm not sure which direction I want to go in.

Here, this is where I am.

Raehan’s cold laughter sounded again, and Amory grit her teeth. “She’s cute,” she heard him say. “where’d you get her?”
Kael flinched. He didn’t want to, but it happened. Raegen looked at him with those cold eyes, frigid amusement burning in their light. He hated him. Kael hated him and hated how he made him feel. Amory tensed behind him, and his skin tingled. This time, he wasn’t going to get beat up. This time was going to be different.
“I’d say the same place your dad found your mom,” Kael said, fingering the handle of his blade, “but this girl’s not some low class cribhouse whore.”
“I thought cribhouse whores were the definition of low class?” Amory murmured.
“No, no, dear. There’s a difference.”
“Very good,” Raegan clapped. “That was almost insulting. Its like you’re not even scared of me anymore. I think ‘ve lost my touch.” In one instant he blurred and reappeared in front of Kael, his fist smashing into his chest. “That’s not going to work.”
Blood seeped from the wound as Kael reeled, stumbled away from where he stood back to back with Amory. Around him, the silent vampires moved, converging on them in a creepy wave of black. As he watched, Amory let loose an arrow, and had another notched before the first had time to sink into an oncoming chest. His vision faded, swinging back and forth to black and white and blanking out completely. He blinked, just in time to see Raegen wrap an arm around Amory’s waist from behind, sick smirk on his face, before the world went red and his blood took over. 

  Now, I can either have him black out and have Amory explain to him what happened, or I can write a fight scene. But I kind of hate the fight scenes I write. They suck. They suck about as bad as I do. other people, though, seem to think they're cool. I try not to think my opinion matters. 

I''m leaning towards the black out option, though. Simply because I have no fight muse. According to a NaNoWriMo pep talk I should go with my instincts. So I think I'll do the black out. 

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is a sad movie. So so sad........and so sweet.

So, yea. I've worked three 24-hour shifts this week and they've systematically fried my brain. I want to write. Really I do. But I'm tired. So.....I'm going to find myself some caffeine.......because for some unfathomable reason there's no coffee in my house.....amd try to lock in another 1000 words.

Someone help me.

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