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So Far Down (working title) - A NaNoWriMo Novel

Friday, November 5, 2010


Now, I like to think of myself as a pretty smart person. I got good grades in high school, I can sometimes think circles around people, I understand the fundamental role chocolate plays in basic human nutrition. I'm pretty good, I think.

Or at least I thought.

NaNoWriMo started five days ago, and I have yet to make a blog to document my experience. Uh....losing my mind? I think so.

Not to mention I've got at LEAST five other novels in progress that I could rant about on a daily basis and fill prime blogging space.

My brain needs work. I'm sure. Maybe I should start taking vitamins again?

But anyway


Visiting here will expose you to the insane characters flitting about in my head, and all the ways I choose to deal with them. Hopefully some of you will tell me when I'm doing something good. Others I rely on to point out when I'm doing utter nonsense that is sure to only humiliate me. I wish you all luck in trying to navigate the world I am going to present to you. You're going to need it.


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